Yugant NakhawainBooks Are Our Superpower25 Productivity Books to Motivate the Sh*t Out of You!Books to Help You Get More Done in Less Time.May 302May 302
Dom KwolczakTop 3 Back To School Tech Tips — From an ex University IT GuyIt’s that time of the year again when schools are reopening, universities are slowly starting up again and students are getting ready to…Aug 291Aug 291
Kshitiz BansalApple Interview Experience - Cloud Data EngineerI offer an immense pleasure for you showing up here. Being a computer science devotee proficient in Microservices Development, Cloud…May 629May 629
Aditya Darekarinstudents x students5 Life Lessons I Learned from “How I Met Your Mother”I have watched a ton of American sitcoms in the past few years. Especially, keeping in mind how the COVID lockdown locked us down to our…Aug 19, 2023Aug 19, 2023
Aditya DarekarinILLUMINATION’S MIRROR‘Think Like A Monk’ Takeaway #3: Do not bury your fears lest they might bury youOne of the best books I read back in 2021, was Jay Shetty’s ‘Think Like a Monk’. Ever since I read it, I have been sharing different…Feb 1, 2023Feb 1, 2023
Aditya DarekarWhen I first read about Steve Jobs and what I learned from himI recall reading about Steve Jobs for the first time when I was 14. Strangely, it wasn’t his Wikipedia page or the movie review of the…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
Aditya DarekarinILLUMINATIONHow my reading habit changed in the last two years: From Paperbacks to eBooks & Audiobooks and…On New Year’s Eve of 2019, I got a 12-month membership of Audible. I had decided to give myself up to audiobooks after being influenced by…Feb 1, 2022Feb 1, 2022
Aditya DarekarAnother step towards Minimalism: Buying SmarterRecently, I cam across a reference to the book called ‘The Year Of Less’ which helped mentioned a very beautiful idea that could help us…Oct 18, 2021Oct 18, 2021
Aditya Darekar‘Think Like A Monk’ Takeaway #2: Digging a grave for your negativityJay Shetty’s ‘Think Like a Monk’ has got me thinking about a lot of things I didn’t care about earlier. Last month’s takeaway helped me…Oct 7, 20211Oct 7, 20211
Aditya Darekarinstudents x studentsWaddling on Club Penguin Island: What it meant to be a Teenage Blogger and YouTuber for your…On 29th March 2017, Disney’s Club Penguin servers went offline, 2 months after their excruciating announcement in January about the game…Jul 12, 2021Jul 12, 2021
Aditya Darekarinstudents x students3 Tips that will help you stand taller on the StageOne of the biggest fears people have, apart from going bankrupt and getting eaten alive by your favourite deadly predator, is the fear of…Jul 16, 2021Jul 16, 2021
Aditya DarekarinILLUMINATIONReframing Problems: How Disney re-envisioned the “Waiting Queue” problemFor anyone who has been to amusement parks or huge retail outlets must have experienced the dreaded “waiting queue” where you stand one…Jul 19, 2021Jul 19, 2021
Aditya DarekarIn Talks with the Future You: Do you have time for what you love?‘In the first 30 years of your life, you make your habits. For the last 30 years of your life, your habits make you.’Jul 21, 2021Jul 21, 2021
Aditya Darekar‘Atomic Habits’ Takeaway: Why setting goals isn’t going to help boost productivity?Post Takeaway: Do not make the mistake of making goals before you set a system for it. Goals without systems are essentially meaningless…Apr 4, 20211Apr 4, 20211
Aditya DarekarFlattery and its Dire ConsequencesMost of you might be aware of the difference between appreciation and flattery. Here is a brief description from the book ‘How to Win…Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
Aditya DarekarWhy premature optimisation won’t save you from failure2018: When I was working on my 12th Grade CS Project, I was unaware of this term called ‘Premature Optimization’ but I was damn sure of…Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021
Aditya DarekarDistraction Journal: The First Step to reduce distractions while workingI finally stumbled upon a technique that can now help you procrastinate less by focusing on what makes you procrastinate in the first…Jun 15, 20211Jun 15, 20211
Aditya DarekarPomodoro Technique: Taking Breaks to FocusTry to answer this honestly: the last time you sat down to study or do some work, how many minutes were you able to focus before getting…Jun 17, 2021Jun 17, 2021
Aditya DarekarIt’s not too late, don’t be the Boiling Frog!I came across this term ‘the boiling frog’ (or the boiling frog syndrome) in a book called ‘SuperThinking’. It was quite funny to read…Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021